Thursday, November 19, 2015

Procedural Writing - Marbled Paper

To help improve our procedural writing skills, we decided to produce some Marbled Paper and then write down all the information someone else would need to produce the same.

Please keep scrolling further for the procedure you will need to follow to produce similar in the classroom or at home. This can be used for the front/back of a card, backing to other art, or simply left as it is to admire.

Here's how ours turned out.

Marbled Paper


  • Shaving foam
  • Ruler
  • Tray
  • Paint or Dye
  • Spoon
  • Paper
  • Protective layer/paper


  1. First spray the shaving foam in the bottom of the tray.
  2. Spread the foam across the base of the tray with a ruler.
  3. Drop different coloured paint or dye on parts of the foam.
  4. Swirl the foam and paint/dye with the end of a spoon.
  5. Place paper over the top and gently press down into foam.
  6. Peel the paper off the foam gently.
  7. Place on a protected surface and use ruler to scrape off excess foam
  8. Lastly, leave your masterpiece to dry.

Thanks for reading, and have fun producing your own!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Term 4 Newsletter and Homework

Environment, Ecology, Organic
Room 6 Newsletter
Term 4 2015

Welcome back everyone!

Term 4 is shaping up to be a very busy one, we have a lot of great things going on.

We have two topic studies this term. In weeks 1-3 we will be looking at “Change, loss and grief” in Health. We feel this is an important area to cover with our students as it is something we all experience in life, so it’s beneficial to develop the skills to help us deal with things early on.
In weeks 4-8 we will be investigating an environmental issue and how it could be solved in Technology.

Our writing focus this term is Procedural Writing. This will tie in with our Technology topic, as well as our Physical Education focus: Outdoor and Adventurous (Orienteering and Problem Solving activities).
Weeks 3, 4 , and 5 are busy ones! We have the Life Education caravan visiting, as well as puberty talks for year 5 and 6 students. This is a very important part of the NZ Curriculum for our children to take part in.
I’d like to have more children bringing in their book bags and homework in this term. If you could help with this, I’d be very greatful! Students should be bringing in their book bags and taking books home at least once a week. Reading at home is proven to have a huge positive impact on children and their learning.
Every student in room 6 has been given a homework sheet for the term. This consists of 10 activities which are to be completed by the end of the term (1 per week is to be completed and handed in on Friday each week). We hope this independent learning approach will give children ownership of their own learning. Reading and basic facts should also be practised daily.

We have a lot of exciting things happening in our gardens this term, thanks to a grant from The Hilton. Our gardens will be up and running and help or involvement in any way is always appreciated. As a class, we will be making an effort to get more involved ourselves.

I look forward to another busy term with Room 6!   Kind regards, Miss Lawson.

 Homework Term 4

Homework Room 6
Term 4 2015
Our topic this term is to investigate how technology can solve environmental problems.
Our homework routine consists of:
  • Reading to an adult every day.  
  • Learning spelling words.
  • Learning any times tables and basic facts for that week.
As well as that, choose from the following independent learning projects and do one every week:
Adult signature
Write(Recount) about an event that stands out for you that has happened so far this term. Remember to include the 5 Ws.

Tell me about a problem or thing that could be improved by technology. You can be creative with this. What would you fix or improve? Why? How would you do it? Do we have the technology available to do this in 2015?

Choose a book you have read and enjoyed  recently and write a detailed Summary (what are the main points, 5 Ws will help you do this).

Choose another book and write a detailed personal opinion. (What do you like or dislike about it? How come? What would you change?).

Practise spelling words and choose 3 from the last few weeks to create an acrostic poem(write down the page and use each letter to begin a new word)

Make a word find using some new vocabulary from our “Change, loss and grief” topic. Write your own definitions for these words

Do the same towards the end of the term for our Technology topic.

Draw a picture or make a model of something you think would solve a problem we have, you can be creative/use imagination.

Draw a map of the school or nearby park area. Write instructions on how to get from one point of the map to another. Eg. turn right, walk 10 paces, turn left… and so on.

Practise one of the Waiata we have been learning in class and perform for someone at home.

Use library books or computer to do some further research on our environment or the technology we use. Write a story, ask for some maths or reading activity sheets.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Welcome to Room 6's blog and first blog post!
We thought a great place to start would be to tell you about our recent trip to Walmsley Park! Walmsley Park is just down the road from Wesley Primary, we visited it to learn more about our nearby Freshwater Ecosystem, which is our recent science topic.

We walked from school to Walmsley. We could see Alice(who visited us at school the week before) and Kate waiting for us.

We split into two groups and learned different things with Alice and Kate. They talked to us about the sensitivity of different living things and we used this chart to help us identify some of the ones living in our nearby stream.

We learned more about Phosphates and Nitrates. Here we got to be scientists, testing for Phosphates.
We learned that freshwater ecosystems need phosphates and nitrates, but too much is not good. We can get too much in our streams if we wash cars and the soap goes into the drains!

Here we did some more testing for Nitrates. We learned that we should wash cars on grass. If the soap goes to our streams, phosphates and nitrates build up and it makes too many weeds grow - these can clog up our streams and use up all the oxygen - no good for the other living things!

We got to take a closer look at what is living in our streams.

This drain reminded us that water runs from our roads, schools and other areas into our streams, which then flow into the sea. We want to remind you to be careful with all your rubbish - bin it! If it goes down the drain, it ends up in our parks and then in our seas. This is no good for our freshwater ecosystems! So please take care with your rubbish and where you wash your cars.

We have been keen to learn more and to be able to keep our freshwater ecosystems nice for us and also for future generations, and you should too.