Monday, August 15, 2016

Hello Readers!

Term 3 has proven to be busy and exciting so far, so this first post has been a bit slow being put up!

Please use the Newsletter and Homework tabs on the side of this page if you require copies or a quick link to school/date information.

Already this term we have had these wonderful opportunities....
- A visit from a therapy dog (who will not be part of a reading programme on Fridays)
- A visit to a traveling art show 
- Access to a Lego club during Wednesday lunch times
Please see some pictures below...


  1. Hi, itś Nikora here.
    The photo looks good because it shows people learning but why did you put the photo of the dog on? Maybe next time you could type down what a therapy dog is. I searched for what a therapy dog is and found this ¨A therapy dog is a dog that might be trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and to people with autism. Therapy dogs are usually not assistance or service dogs, but can be one or both with some organizations.¨ (Wikipedia).
    Blog you later.

  2. Hi, itś Nikora here.
    The photo looks good because it shows people learning but why did you put the photo of the dog on? Maybe next time you could type down what a therapy dog is. I searched for what a therapy dog is and found this ¨A therapy dog is a dog that might be trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and to people with autism. Therapy dogs are usually not assistance or service dogs, but can be one or both with some organizations.¨ (Wikipedia).
    Blog you later.

  3. Hi it’s Danna, I like how the therapy dog just lay there while you patted him and you were working. I love dogs, I have a dog back in the Philippines he is with my grandparents. Can you explain what a therapy dog is and what is his name? Here is a link to my blog if you want to see it .

    From : Danna See you later!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, it´s Sela.
    The travelling art bus looks cool inside R4, I wish I had come but I went to netball. Next time if it comes, and you guys go, Iĺl come too. You guys look interested when the man is talking and trying to show you. It would be great if you could add some information about what a therapy dog is.
    Blog you later

  6. Thanks for the feedback, readers! I love the positive, thoughtful and helpful language:) Next post we can add some more interesting facts and information hopefully!
    Miss Lawson

  7. Hi Room 4, looks like you've had a busy term! We also enjoyed the art truck and learnt about how to look closely at art. Have you done any of your own art work based on your visit?

  8. Hi Room 4, looks like you've had a busy term! We also enjoyed the art truck and learnt about how to look closely at art. Have you done any of your own art work based on your visit?
