Saturday, March 4, 2017

Our connections

We have been learning about the connections we have in our lives. 
We mapped out our connections to the people and places in our lives and what these mean to us. We hope to see the connections we have and reasons for having them growing over the year.

(Please excuse the video quality - our trial had expired so it wouldn't upload correctly and it had to be filmed on an ipad.)


  1. Morena Room 4,
    LOVE that you have thought outside the box and even though your WeVideo wasn't uploading you used your iPad to video it. Great to see you still sharing your work around connections. You have so many connections in your school and your community and all have so many interests. I liked how you interviewed each other, a good technique. I am sure your connections will keep on building . It has made me think about all of the things I am connected with and my life, I am lucky to be connected to so many schools and an amazing group of teachers and facilitators. I have very strong connections to my family and also feel very connected to the beach.

  2. Maybe next time go slower so we can see what it is about

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  4. love this video about your connections hoping to see more videos of you guy

    nice work and nice job

  5. i love my video that is at the
    end i am so proud of you's NICE JOB ! :)

  6. WOW I love this video This is such a cool video and I hope to see some more

  7. wow nice job guse fantastic vidio

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